Partner: ITA spol. s r.o.
Field: mechanical engineering
The researchers at IT4Innovations have a long-term cooperation with the ITA spol. s r.o. company based in Ostrava, the Czech Republic. This company was established in 1991 and has since then been involved in solving technical problems in the metallurgical industry
in the Moravian-Silesian region and elsewhere. ITA spol. s r.o. is engaged in advanced hot and cold rolling technologies, rolling mills control system optimization, computer modeling of metallurgical processes, and solving technical problems and technological innovations in hot and cold rolling mills.
The cooperation with industrial partner ITA spol. s r.o. includes developmentof numerical models, execution
of computer simulations on powerful workstations or supercomputers, and engineering evaluation of the results achieved. This cooperation has lately been performed within research projects supported by the Moravian-Silesian region.
An example of such common research activities is a project entitled Computer simulation of rollers cooling during the rolling process with the aim to optimize the quality of the rolled product and service life of rollers. Within the project, a numerical model was developed
along with performing computer simulations of stress, strain, and thermal fields, and on this basis optimization
of the roller cooling process was executed. Consequently, improvement of technical and economical parameters of production was achieved as a result of reducing the consumption of cooling water, prolonging the service life of rollers, and enhancing the quality of the rolled product.
Another joint activity included project computer modeling of thermal fields in wire and strip coils. In order to maintain the desired mechanical properties of steel wires and strips, the rolling process must be followed immediately by their controlled cooling, where the temperature is kept within a specified range. The control systems for optimal cooling take advantage of temperature prediction, and therefore an efficient computer model to calculate the thermal field in a coil was developed within the project implementation.

Daniel Hajduk
Executive Manager
ITA spol. s.r.o.
“Our cooperation is unique for the fact that the experts at IT4Innovations have knowledge of the engineering background
of the solved problems, which they then apply in computer model development. Moreover, they know and are able to use fast and efficient algorithms to solve these problems using computer
workstations as well as supercomputers. In the upcoming period, we would like to cooperate with IT4Innovations in joint research focused on developing multiphysical models of technical problems, which we aim to solve using our own software products. For the complexity of these models, however, we are not able to develop them on our own.”