Great teamwork, clear communication of scientific results, and active writing of blog articles. These are the reasons why the jury of the international PRACE Summer of HPC Awards awarded Jenay Patel and Carola Ciaramelletti for their work on a project mentored by colleagues from IT4Innovations.

The two budding scientists explored molecular dynamics on quantum computers in the summer of 2021. This was part of the eight-week PRACE Summer of HPC internship, which they completed at IT4Innovations under the supervision of Martin Beseda and Stanislav Paláček as mentors. The students received the PRACE Summer of HPC 2021 HPC Ambassador Award in person on Thursday 24th March at a ceremony during the EuroHPC Summit Week 2022 conference.

Carola Ciaramelletti, a student of condensed matter physics at the Università degli studi dell'Aquila, and Jenay Patel, who studies chemical engineering at the University of Nottingham, regularly blogged about their experience at IT4Innovations. The jury appreciated that they explained the science project in such a way that even non-academics could understand. In addition, the judges highlighted a presentation video in which the young scientists briefly explained exactly what they were researching. For their teamwork, which was reflected in all the above-mentioned outputs of the trainees, the jury named them HPC Ambassadors.

PRACE Summer of HPC is an eight-week training programme for budding students from all over Europe, combining different scientific disciplines and the use of HPC technologies. The ninth edition took place in 2021 with 66 participants working in pairs on a specific project. At IT4Innovations, we welcomed four students. In addition to Jenay Patel and Carola Ciaramelletti, Lucia Absalom Bautista and Spyridanus Andreas Siskos worked on a project on quantum algorithms and their applications under the supervision of Jiri Tomčala.

More about the project of Carola a Jenay

Blog Carola CiaramellettiBlog Jenay Patel