On Monday, 25th April, we welcomed Helena Langšádlová, who has been the Minister of Science, Research, and Innovation since last December. She visited IT4Innovations during her business trip to Ostrava, where she held a series of meetings with representatives of local universities.

Research and innovation activities, projects in the field of excellence, and achievements of Ostrava scientists. All of this was the subject of the meeting that Minister Langšádlová attended in the Ostrava university environment, specifically at VSB-TUO and the University of Ostrava. In a similar vein was the more than one-hour visit to our supercomputing centre.

The Minister was interested in the operation of our institution, especially the ways in which computational resources can be obtained, or who uses the Ostrava supercomputers most. She was also interested in the LUMI supercomputer, the top European supercomputer the computational resources of which Czech researchers can also use.

In addition to the aforementioned, the presentation led by Vít Vondrák, our Managing Director, also included the projects on which we cooperate with the private sector as well as our involvement in international structures.

After the presentation, which took place in our showroom overlooking the supercomputers, the Minister took a look at the data room. There, her attention was particularly focused on the Karolina supercomputer, an erudite description of which she received from Branislav Jansík, our Supercomputing Services Director.